


自由基(free radicals,FRs)化学反应性极强,极不稳定,半衰期短,其化学反应性的特点是连锁反应,一经启动即可连续发生。从生物学角度讲,通常所说的FRs主要是指活性氧(active oxygen),即氧的某些代谢产物和一些反应的含氧产物。由于FRs具有活泼的化学反应特性,因而在生物体内具有重要的生理及病理功能,具有重要的生物学意义。BPCL 在此领域的应用例子有:[1-6]

[1]     Zhu B Z, Mao L, Huang C H,Qin H, Fan R M, Kalyanaraman B, Zhu J G. Unprecedented hydroxylradical-dependent two-step chemiluminescence production by polyhalogenatedquinoid carcinogens and H2O2. Proceedings of the NationalAcademy of Sciences, 2012, 109(40): 16046-16051.

[2]     Su W, Tang S T, Xie C Z, Mu YC, Li Z X, Yang X H, Qiu S Y. Antioxidant and DNA Damage Protection Activitiesof Duck Gizzard Peptides by Chemiluminescence Method. International Journal ofFood Properties, 2016, 19(4): 760-767.

[3]     Wang D M, Gao M X, Gao P F,Yang H, Huang C Z. Carbon nanodots-catalyzed chemiluminescence of luminol: asinglet oxygen-induced mechanism. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2013,117(37): 19219-19225.

[4]     Li H T, Hu J G, Xin W J, ZhaoB L. Production and interaction of oxygen and nitric oxide free radicals in PMAstimulated macrophages during the respiratory burst. Redox Report, 2013.

[5]     Cao Y Q, Sui D D, Zhou W J,Lu C. Highly selective chemiluminescence detection of hydroxyl radical viaincreased π-electron densities of rhodamine B on montmorillonite matrix.Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2016, 225: 600-606.

[6]    Gao L W, Wang J W. Antioxidantpotential and DNA damage protecting activity of aqueous extract from Armillariamellea. Journal of Food Biochemistry, 2012, 36(2): 139-148.

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